꿈 속에서 뱀이 온 몸을 휘감던 날, 작은 소년이 태어났습니다. 아주 평범한 소년이었습니다. 하지만, 그 소년에게는 큰 꿈이 있었습니다. 바로, 세상을 바꾸겠다는 것이었죠. “모든 사람이 원하는 삶을 살게 된다면 얼마나 좋을까?” 2017년, 그 꿈에 한 발자국 다가가기 위해서 블로그를 만들었습니다.
The day when a snake coiled around a woman in a dream, a little boy was born. He was just an ordinary boy. But, he had big dream. It is a hope to change his world. “How marvellous it would be if people could live as they want?” In 2017, he made a blog to be one step closer to his dream.
This blog is for newbie programer.
You can change your world if you want to and I am glad to support you.
Keep your eye on him by following!
NFS를 세팅하는 방법에 대해서 정리해보겠다.
환경 :: Environment
Node 1 :: Server IP : OS : Centos Stream 8
Node 2 :: Client IP : OS : Centos Stream 8
Server :
$ dnf install -y nfs-utils # NFS 설치
$ firewall-cmd –permanent –add-service=nfs $ firewall-cmd –permanent –add-service=rpc-bind $ firewall-cmd –permanent –add-service=mountd $ firewall-cmd –reload
Develop Cloud Web Services with Openstack
Develop Oxygen Bottle Manage App
Learning Coding
코딩에 대해 어려운 점이 있거나, 세상을 바꾸고 싶다면 이메일로 연락하세요!
Drop me an email if you have trouble in coding or.. want to change your world!